If you are facing a struggle with high cholesterol and/or high blood pressure, Cyruta Plus may be the supplement solution to help you lower both. Read my story to learn about the results you can expect from this supplement, which is one of many highly-effective products available from Standard Process.

I had some blood work done in 2022 and found out that I have high cholesterol and high triglycerides.

My doctor of course wanted to put me on a Statin prescription immediately “to resolve the issue”, but I refused, given the numerous nightmare stories told by, frankly, hundreds of thousands of people. I figured there was a better and more natural way to address the issue, and I went looking for it.

When it comes to my health, and as I’ve grown in experience and learning, I’ve come to always want to try the natural route first. At that time, I was introduced to Cyruta Plus by a nutritionist and decided to try it, specifically looking for results in the form of lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

Cyruta Plus is one of Standard Process’s many whole food products. Within the Standard Process (SP) literature, it shows Cyruta Plus as being used for:

“…supporting capillary integrity and function; supporting circulatory cholesterol transport; supporting healthy cellular glucose handling to help maintain blood sugar levels already within normal range, supporting healthy peripheral circulation, and containing several independent factors that help to maintain the integrity of capillary walls.”

After the recommendation of a nutritionist, and having already been an active user of some Standard Process supplements, I began Cyruta Plus and continued with it for about a year, as religiously as I’d have been expected to take a Statin.

As you’d expect, I had the next annual round of blood work done for 2023. With only the Cyruta Plus to credit (because in all honesty, my diet was not terrible in the first place so I did not change it,) my triglycerides report dropped 10 points! I couldn’t believe it, yet at the same time, I could.

Cyruta Plus is one of the many Standard Process supplements making a big difference in my life, and in the lives of my patients.  My body isn’t the same body as it was last year; it’s in much better health, and yours can be too!

Erica Rammler, LMT

Erica Rammler, LMT

My massage career started in 1996 after graduation from Health Enrichment Center in Lapeer, MI. From there, I have worked at spa’s and chiropractic offices over the years gaining knowledge and growing professionally as a licensed massage therapist. They say if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life! I thank God for blessing me for giving me a heart of compassion and empathy for those who are in pain physically and mentally.