We all have stress in our lives at some level. Over the years, I have noticed a lot of clients not being able to shut off their brains from every day stresses such as work, school, family, etc. Over time, this repeat and unceasing exposure to stress leads to an overstimulated nervous system, poor sleep, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on. So what can be done about it?

The answer: Ashwagandha.

I have been working with Ashwaganda Complex from Standard Process for some time now, both recommending it to my clients and including it in my own supplement routine. Both my clients and I have seen great results in the reduction of anxiety symptoms, and the key is this wonderful product.

Ashwagandha Complex consists of these 4 high quality herbs:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Licorice
  • Skullcap
  • Korean Ginseng

All of these herbs work together, helping the nervous system and adrenal glands have the support they need to combat stress. Ashwagandha calms the nervous system, licorice feeds the adrenals to give you energy, skullcap helps you focus better and Korean ginseng makes it easier to cope with everyday stress and gives you a little energy boost to keep you going.

Why Use Ashwagandha When You Have Coffee and Anti-Anxiety Meds?

What I love about this product is that it doesn’t work like caffeine. Caffeine gives you that initial jolt of energy, but then your energy quickly crashes and as the caffeine wears off, it negatively affects your adrenals in the process. Once Ashwagandha Complex is built up in your system, you won’t have that “crash during the middle of the day.” You won’t notice yourself wanting to reach for that second or third cup of coffee or energy drink to get you through the rest of your day.  While Anti-Anxiety medications are the right fit for some anxiety conditions (please speak with your medical practitioner), they can lead to a number of adverse side effects that you won’t get from Ashwagandha.

If you are looking for a more natural way to combat stress, this product is for you.  This product could interact with some prescriptions, so always consult your Standard Process Provider to make sure it’s ok to take.

Erica Rammler, LMT

Erica Rammler, LMT

My massage career started in 1996 after graduation from Health Enrichment Center in Lapeer, MI. From there, I have worked at spa’s and chiropractic offices over the years gaining knowledge and growing professionally as a licensed massage therapist. They say if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life! I thank God for blessing me for giving me a heart of compassion and empathy for those who are in pain physically and mentally.