The featured supplement in this post is Boswellia Complex from Standard Process.

This product here is amazing! Where do I start…

A couple of years ago, the inflammation in my body – throughout my whole body – was horrible. Intolerable. It affected my ability to live a normal life, and enjoy my day-to-day existence.

To combat it, I did what anyone else might do – I was taking Motrin 800 every day to stop the pain in my body that came from the inflammation, and frankly, it wasn’t helping. I wasn’t managing at all. The pain brought me down mentally and physically. I often thought, “this pain is going beyond physical, I think it’s why I am dealing with some depression.” This realization was the beginning of standing up, refusing to deal with it any longer, and taking control by finding a better solution.

Like so many others, I researched homeopathic and natural solutions to whole-body pain and inflammation. As a result, I found Boswellia.

I started taking Standard Process Boswellia Complex in the autumn of 2022. Although this might be an unusual case, and shouldn’t be considered the typical result for everyone, I saw results within 3 days. That’s it – just three short days later, my joints didn’t ache anymore! It was crazy, not only to see how quickly this product worked, but to feel the way I should have been feeling all along!

This wonderful product has a combination of boswellia, turmeric, celery seed and ginger.  All four herbs used together fight off pain, inflammation and/or arthritis.  For me, it went beyond helping me manage my body pain. I had a small cyst forming on my pinky finger right in the joint. I noticed that the cyst started to deflate and was no longer painful or tender to the touch.  I’ve been taking Boswellia Complex now for over 6 months as of summer 2023, and I rarely reach for the Motrin bottle anymore.

What marvelous things can Boswellia Complex do for you?  This product maintains and supports healthy joints, circulation, kidney function and provides antioxidant activity.  I have a wonderful testimonial from a client on my Google Business Profile who currently takes it. Check it out now by clicking here, and if you are a client of mine, please leave a review!

See These Informational Resources About Boswellia

Erica Rammler, LMT

Erica Rammler, LMT

My massage career started in 1996 after graduation from Health Enrichment Center in Lapeer, MI. From there, I have worked at spa’s and chiropractic offices over the years gaining knowledge and growing professionally as a licensed massage therapist. They say if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life! I thank God for blessing me for giving me a heart of compassion and empathy for those who are in pain physically and mentally.