Attention everyone: I have awesome news to share!

Starting in February 2024, I will be entering the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) program to expand my expertise as a wellness professional!

This is a natural progression of my ongoing growth in the health & wellness field. My love and passion for nutrition started back in 2018 when I was personally facing my own mysterious health issues. Once I experienced the difference made by nutrition, with a large part of that being tied to the addition of whole-food nutritional supplements from Standard Process, and saw how my body began to heal without pharmaceutical drugs, I became a walking testimony for this wonderful company! I want to become an NTP to add more training to my arsenal, to continue sharing my story, and to help anyone who wants to take control of their health naturally.

What is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP)? A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is a holistic nutrition professional trained and recognized by the Nutritional Therapy Association. The focus of a NTP is to help support individuals health and vitality through individual holistic nutrition and lifestyle factors, as well as supporting nutritional and physiological deficiencies through the NTA’s Foundations. NTP’s are trained to support optimal function of the body by assessing and addressing the health of diet, digestive system, blood sugar regulation system, fatty acid status, mineral balance, and hydration levels. NTP’s also incorporate analysis of lifestyle habits including sleep, stress, movement, and environmental considerations to provide holistic recommendations that drive client success.

As much as I love nutrition, I will still be seeing clients for massage therapy as long as my body stays strong enough to continue this type of physical work since 1996! So excited for this new chapter to begin and stay tuned!

Erica Rammler, LMT

Erica Rammler, LMT

My massage career started in 1996 after graduation from Health Enrichment Center in Lapeer, MI. From there, I have worked at spa’s and chiropractic offices over the years gaining knowledge and growing professionally as a licensed massage therapist. They say if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life! I thank God for blessing me for giving me a heart of compassion and empathy for those who are in pain physically and mentally.